Gary Newman (6 July 2014)
"Julia re Pope"

Hi Julia & Doves:

Pretty interesting vid you posted. I downloaded about 10 minutes of that video, converted to a wav sound file and did a reverse speech analysis.

At about the 34.30 mark in normal speech Copeland was saying Thank you Father x 4, Thank you Lord Jesus x 2 just before he asks Tony to bring his phone so a pic or video could be sent to his boss the pope.

What was remarkably very clearly  in reverse speech was "RECANT" four times.

RECANT: to announce in public that your past beliefs or statements were wrong and that you no longer agree with them:

So supposedly Pentecostal Copeland wants people to deny Christ and the genocide of our Christian brothers and sisters who would not bow to Popery during the middle ages.

Little wonder the Lord spoke to me concerning this  move toward popery as being the falling away of 2 Thess 2.3.

God bless you guys

