Fay (27 July 2014)
"Rampant Anti Semitism"


Hi John and Doves,

Whilst the savage and evil hatred for the Jewish people, via the sadistic conduit of Islamic beliefs is horrific - far more evil and cunning is the 'replacement theology' crowd. Oh how they love to 'prove' that the current Jews - residing in the land of Israel - just as our Bible tells us would happen - are all (astonishingly) FAKE JEWS!!! I seriously question the reasoning behind this - the constant drumming away at the Israeli people. Is it, perhaps, a sneaky, virulent form of anti Semitism - hiding behind the pretentious cloak of 'reason and knowledge'? I believe so. I mean, really - what is the point? Do you people (replacement theology folk) have an axe to grind? Are you under the illusion that your bloodline are the inheritors? What is your motive, if not a hatred for the Jewish people?

There are a lot of Jewish people at the helm of the movie and media industries. The banking industry etc. I read a brilliant article (wish I had book marked it) by a journo who questioned why these self hating Jews were so willing to slam Israel and add to the general mêlée of Israeli, Zionist censure. Are these the fake Jews the Book of Revelation are talking about? I, for one, think this is the case.

Israel - in the absolute present time - is prophecy unfolding, as we speak. Jewish people are fleeing into Israel from France - escaping the rising anti Semitism in Europe. The nations coming against Israel are the very one's prophesied! God - our beautiful, wonderful LORD - said that he would bring His people back into the land, in the end times. AND HE IS!!

Anyhoo - well jolly done for adding to the Jew Hating crowd by theorising that the 'fake' Jews shouldn't be in the land of Israel in the first place. Thereby, giving a pass to the hard done by Palestinians. We shall all see who we have to answer to in the end. " I will curse those that curse you". Think about it.
