Denis Hart (6 July 2014)
"United States - Behold the Solar Eclipse in 2017!"

United States - Behold the Solar Eclipse in 2017!

(Eclipse: Monday, 21 August 2017)

We are in the midst of the Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses in 2014 and 2015: a Lunar Tetrad is a sequence of four total or blood red moons, with no intervening partial lunar eclipse.  As we are well aware, the Tetrads in 2014 and 2015 will fall on Jewish feast days: Passover and Sukkot/Tabernacles in each year.  The probability of these, and previous Tetrads in the past 2000 years, falling on Jewish feast days is extremely low!!  The Tetrad that we are now in has been well covered on the Internet and in books.  One website that covers the Tetrads from the Crucifixion to 2014 and 2015 is the Red Moon Rapture website:


However, we need to also focus on the total solar eclipse on 21 August 2017, and what this may mean for the Church, Israel and the world, especially the United States.  I have written previous letters to Five Doves on this (links are below):

  • Solar witness to the Blood Red Moons (February 2014)

  • Two Solar Eclipses and two nations: Australia and the US (November 2012)

  •  Solar Eclipse on 21 August 2017 and the United States (August 2012)

Behold the 21 August 2017 Total Solar Eclipse!!!

If anyone has any doubts about the importance of this 2017 Total Solar Eclipse, especially for the United States, then it would be prudent to use the NASA website (link below) to view how this eclipse will unfold.  The Google map shows clearly the 2017 solar eclipse will move right through the heartland of the United States, from North West to South East.  The Google Map can adjusted to zoom in or out (up/down scale), or from right to left and vertically.

How rare is this Eclipse for the United States?

As noted, the focus of the solar eclipse on 21 August 2017 is on the United States.  This is exceptionally rare.  From Wikipedia - link below - we can garner the following facts:,_2017

This will be the first eclipse with a path of totality crossing the USA's Pacific coast and Atlantic coast since 8 June,  1918!!!  The August 2017 eclipse will have a magnitude of 1.0306 that will be visible from a narrow corridor through the United States.  The Google map in the NASA link shows the path of totality. 

This eclipse will be the first total solar eclipse visible from the United States since 1991 (just from part of Hawaii), the first visible from the contiguous United States since 1979.

The path of this eclipse crosses the upcoming path of the total solar eclipse of April 8, 2024.  A small land area, including the cities of Carbondale, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, and Paducah, Kentucky, will thus experience two total solar eclipses within a span of fewer than seven years.


The longest duration of totality will be 2 minutes 40 seconds in the Bainbridge/Sinking Fork area of Christian County, Kentucky.  A partial solar eclipse will be seen from the much broader path of the Moon's penumbra, including all of North America, northern South America, western Europe, and Africa.

Now just over three years away - Christian Country or Christian Count(r)y?!

I first posted on this eclipse in August 2012 (and I know that other Doves have contributed to this discussion - my apologies that I do not incorporate their contributions in this letter).  Once again I will focus on the United States, although this Total Solar Eclipse may be a harbinger of hard times for the whole world.  Some timelines for the US and Israel are worth noting:

  • There will (probably) be a US election in November 2016

  • On 4 July 2016 the US will complete 6*40 years as a federated nation

  • Will mid July 2016 signal the direction of the shift into the 7th 40 year period

  • On 7 June 2017, 50 years since Jerusalem came under Israeli control.

  • On 15 May 2018, 70 years since Israel miraculously became a nation.

The Total Solar Eclipse on 21 August 2017 is now just over three years away.  If current trends, for example broadening acceptance of homosexuality/same sex marriage, drugs,  overall secularisation of a nation, global religion and persecution of Christians continue, where will the United States be in 2017?  The Church is likely to continue to turn away from support for Israel, and the consequence will be increasing judgment on the nation(s).

 The remnant/overcoming Church will, I believe, gain strength even in the midst of opposition!  The evil forces in the land will attempt to corral pure Christianity, to quarantine the remnant Church within ‘Christian çounties’’, to undermine the destiny of the United States as a Christian nation reconciled with its first people!!

What may unfold!

As noted in a previous letter, Obama and the United States are likely to play a pivotal role in garnering support for a separate Palestinian State, and this will place the United States in the cross-hair of God’s judgments, in the short and medium term. 

But there remains hope that through these judgments the nation will revert back to its origins as a deeply Christian nation, and also be fully reconciled with the first people.  The United States has been arguably the largest provider of missionaries and supporter of world needs, and these seeds will be honoured. 

The Rapture could take place at any time.  In Genesis 24 we see the type of the Rebecca rapture - the Servant (the Holy Spirit) comes in the evening to take the Bride to another place where Isaac (Jesus) is.  By the morning she is gone - the rest have been left behind, probably to face a very difficult time..  The chaos following the Rapture of the Bride may usher in the hour (year?) during which ten kings share their power with the Antichrist - after that the Beast will take complete control (possibly following the even great chaos when the broader Body of Christ is raptured (this could be linked to the Ezekiel 38/39 War).

In recent years we have come to understand the prophetic importance of the Psalm 83/ Isaiah 17 war – the VINDICATION OF ISRAEL AND THOSE WHO CARE DEEPLY FOR HER!  Interestingly, in the Amplified there is a United States link to Psalm 83 - verse 6 speaks of God terrifying them with Your tornado or hurricane - weather terms that are most commonly characteristic of the United States.  Consequently, at the time of this war may mark great judgments on the United States.     

 Psalm 83: 13-16 (Amplified):  God, make them like whirling dust, like stubble or chaff before the wind!  14 As fire consumes the forest, and as the flame sets the mountains ablaze.  15 So pursue and afflict them with Your tempest and terrify them with Your tornado or hurricane.  16 Fill their faces with shame, that they may seek Your name, O Lord.

Summing it Up!!

In just over three years there will be a very rare Total Solar Eclipse that will cut a swathe through the midst of the United States - a wake up to all nations!  I believe that we are now on the edge of the final outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and signs and wonders will be done in the Name of Jesus!!  God is merciful - but there are likely to be strong birth pangs as we move into this time - in fact, these are already all around us!!  Just as in the early Church, there will be persecution for Christians, and a time of trouble for all nations, but especially Israel.  Revival first, then a purifying of the Bride - all in three years or so????

Truly the Return of the Lord Jesus Christ draws ever near!!  When I first wrote about the 2017 solar eclipse it was five years away.  Now the Rapture it is on the horizon - He could be at the very door!!  Waiting lovingly for His appearing. Thanks that I know (here in Canberra, Australia) that there are so many contributors and lurkers on Five Doves who share this passion to see Him face to face!

Maranatha!!  Denis