Patty RP (5 July 2013)
"For Mrs. Agee re: Your response to Patti C. re: Ten Virgins"


Dear Mrs. Agee,

I agree with what you wrote in your response regarding the Ten Virgins.  The five foolish virgins most definitely will include the Laodicean 'Christians' who are lukewarm.  They obviously are not part of the "wise" virgins as Jesus said He would spue the lukewarm ones out of His mouth for refinement.  They will be given a second chance, along with others.

The problem with lukewarm Christians is...some of them might take the Mark of the Beast.  They value their lives, don't want to die, don't want to be unable to buy or sell, etc.  Since they are wishy-washy....some of them might be convinced during the Great Delusion that they need to take a different that will ultimately lead to their destruction, unbeknownst to them.

I just wanted to say thank you for your many contributions.  I so look forward to meeting you and the Doves in the home that God is doing all He can to lead us to:  Heaven....our real home.

God bless you.


Patty RP