Michael Colunga (5 July 2013)
"Some Navajo are Christian--a response to Gerlinda."

Hello, John and Doves,
There are some Navajo who love Jesus.
If this nation can be saved, it will be the Native American that makes the difference.
Clearly, the LORD is concerned with salvation.
    The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

2 Peter 3:9  NIV

Gerlinda (1 July 2013)
"Shocking: Carcasses Laying Around in Navajo Country"

Dear Rowina, I think of you so often, the smoke from the fires affecting your breathing plus the assortment of other major problems facing the citizens out there, of which are the Navajo, who have been forced to live in such conditions. My prayers continue for you and others out there.  g
The Navajo Nation, which spreads across 27000 square miles of Arizona, New
Mexico and Utah are experiencing water that cannot be drank
SHOCKING: Carcasses Laying Around in Navajo Country

Horse and cattle carcasses in Navajo country

Navajo people in an Arizona community where livestock carcasses are laying around are desperately needing water not tainted by uranium, an official said this week.

Navajo Chapter grazing official in Teec No Pos Herman Lee told the Navajo Post in an exclusive telephone interview this week that his community desperately needs water.

Lee claims that wells are shut down due to uranium contamination and that he has many pictures of dead horses and cattle “laying around.

Dry wells, uranium and bacteria threaten Navajos
