Marilyn Agee (2 July 2013)
""Reply to Agee about ""Patti C (25 June 2013) "THE TEN VIRGINS""""

From: Marilyn Agee

Yes. The foolish virgin's are saved. Their lamps are lit. They have some oil of the Holy Spirit. Their lamps are sputtering and threatening to go out, but they have not gone out. They just need more oil of the Holy Spirit to keep them burning brightly.

These foolish ones are still virgins. They have just accepted Christ and that's it. They haven't gotten close to him the way a bride should do. They are lukewarm Laodiceans, and Jesus tells them to buy of him white raiment or he will vomit them out of his mouth.

Rev 3:19 says, "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent."

When they are caught up in the Last-Trump Rapture, they have washed their robes in the blood of Christ.

Rev 7:14  says, "These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb."

Evidently, it takes getting left behind at the First-Trump Rapture to wake them up.

Marilyn Agee
David Blackman (1 July 2013)
"Reply to Agee about ""Patti C (25 June 2013) "THE TEN VIRGINS"""

Hi Marilyn,

You said:

To me, those that are foolish are the lukewarm Laodiceans. Unless they repent, they will get left behind.

You are saying that the foolish virgins are saved?  Yet the bridegroom says to the foolish virgins “I never knew you”.  If the bridegroom never knew them I would think that they were never saved in the first place.  The foolish to me would be the people in church that think they are save by going to church or doing good works but have never really known the Lord. These would be very foolish and would realize later their mistake.  Goes back to grace or works thing.

David Blackman,