K.S. Rajan (13 June 2013)


By Paul McGuire
The following statement should not be misconstrued as fear mongering.  It is not being made for shock value.  The purpose of the following statement is to provide an Early Warning Prayer Alert, so that God's people can pray, fast and intercede for our nation during this critical time around July 4, 2013.
There is no intended political commentary in this statement of any kind.  Neither is there an inference towards any individual, group or particular social issue.  In the unfortunate event, that any such statements are made by people claiming to "speak for God," these are not necessarily the comments or beliefs of the author of this Urgent Prayer Alert.
The above statement has not been made for the purpose of political correctness.  It has been made in order to help insure precise communication!  There are many people who claim to be "prophets" and to "speak for God."  The reality is that these individuals or groups are not "speaking for God" and they are not "prophets," according to the Biblical definition of the term.
Despite numerous claims to the contrary, there are no people, that this author is aware of, that have the call of a prophet on the same level of a Daniel, Ezekiel, Joel, etc.  In addition, it is the opinion of this author that there are no people who are "Apostles," on the level of a Mathew, Mark, Luke or John.  This is not to say that there are not various degrees of gifts from the Holy Spirit and people who have what can be construed as prophetic gifts.  But, measured against the historical accounts in the Old Testament and New Testament, there is not consistent and long-term evidence, that they are not operating at the same level.  Remember the standard of measurement for a prophet in the Old Testament was 100% accuracy.
In addition, fame or having a media platform is not the Biblical measure of being a prophet from God.  This statement is not made to disparage people who have Biblically sound ministries and use the media.  But, there have been a number of high-profile statements made by some television evangelists who have claimed to be speaking prophetically and their statements did not pass the Biblical test for prophecy and caused unnecessary confusion.
Due to world events and numerous geopolitical factors, there is a high probability, that there could be an event coming to America, which would constitute a crisis on the level of a national emergency.  Such an event could create widespread fear and panic.  That event could be a terrorist attack or crisis of various kinds.
Those who believe the Bible is God's Word, such as this author believe that the Bible teaches us to constantly be in prayer.  Throughout history God has often intervened in individual's lives and the affairs of nations, when God's people humble themselves, repent and seek His face in prayer.  Great tragedy and disaster can be avoided.
We have a choice, we can be driven to our knees in prayer after a catastrophic event, or we can voluntarily go to our knees in prayer, asking God to protect us from such an event.  Our appeal to God must be based entirely on faith and it is through faith we can expect to see an answer.  We can have confidence that God will hear our prayers, if we repent and confess our sins.  The blood Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin.  It is on the basis of the blood of Jesus Christ cleansing us from sin that we can come boldly to the Throne of Grace and find help in time of need.
Those to who are sensitive to the voice of the Spirit and who have renewed their minds with the Word of God, have the power to discern the signs of the times.  Let us take this Biblical admonition seriously and pray fervently for our nation and its leaders during this time of July 4, 2013.
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.
                                                                            Ephesians 6:18
Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.
                                                                             I Timothy 2:1-3
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
                                                                             2 Chronicles 7:14
Please spread this urgent prayer alert far and wide!
Paul McGuire