Jovial (2 June 2013)
"Can we not go crazy with Strong's Numbers?"

I've noticed that some of you have been posting a lot of verses with all of strong's numbers included.  I just want to say that to me , I never use Strong's numbers, and I find it distracting to the point that I have sometimes quit reading posts because the numbers were getting the way of reading the text.  It is best to stick with just printing the numbers for the word you want to address.  When I see gobs of Strong's numbers all over the place I stop reading the text because it is distracting.  Some of you mgiht be different, but I'm willing to bet there's other people out there thinking the same thing.

People see numbers out of one side of their brain and text out of another.  So printing a verse with numbers all over the place is probably a distraction not only for me, but for a lot of people.  And I am not afraid of numbers.  I have a BS in Math, as well as in Computers and Engineering.  But I process words when I read Scripture.  I prefer seeing the Hebrew or Greek WORD, rather than a number.  I can read Hebrew without English translation and I've never used Strong's.  There's probably a lot of people out there that hate math that are thinking the same thing but are afraid to speak up because they think it's just them and their dislike of numbers.  So I figured a guy who loves math and has a degree in it should probably speak up on behalf of all those people too intimidated to say the same thing.  I'm afraid a lot of good analysis will get missed because of the flood of trivia in a sea of good info.

