Jim M (5 July 2013)
"RE: Gino"


Hello John, Gino and all who are waiting for our blessed hope :)

Gino, reading your reference to "wrestling with the Lord" on the inbound Kennedy brought a smile to my face. You see, on July 17th, 1983, the Lord spoke a word to my heart that literally changed my life. That word was "quit your job and trust me"; this while driving on the inbound Kennedy (somewhere around Harlem ... on my way to Faith Tabernacle for a "miracle service" ... which I ended up NOT attending). Long story short, I did obey, under pressure and reassurance from the Lord, which eventually led to some much needed chastising.
It's interesting to see how the Holy Spirit was working in both of our lives, at various times, on the inbound Kennedy :)

Jim M