Jim Bramlett (2 July 2013)
"FW: "Yes, Barack Obama really is a Manchurian candidate""

Yes, Barack Obama really is a Manchurian candidate

Exclusive: David Kupelian shows how senator
uses envy and guilt to make believers of millions

Published: 10/29/2008 at 12:00 AM
A particularly poignant passage from the article:
"...The magic of envy

In recent decades, more and more Americans have been conditioned by politicians to depend on government to solve their problems. This is how demagogues have long operated. They demonize 'the rich,' implying they obtained their wealth by exploiting the downtrodden; they stir up racial hatreds at every opportunity; they endlessly bash business and CEOs as evil exploiters; they promise 'social justice', and universal happiness if only we will elevate them to power over us.

They do all this by appealing to anger and envy.
They know instinctively that if they can stir up and ignite these dark, addictive passions in all of us, they will create a large voting bloc of people dependent on them, and thus be rewarded with great power. In its purest form, this phenomenon is called Marxism, communism, socialism – the spiritual core of which is raw envy. This philosophy of cradle-to-grave security and 'wealth redistribution' exerts a powerfully seductive grip on people who have not discovered true inner 'government.' As William Penn famously said, 'Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants.'

Communism, of course, is atheistic – where the government is the only true god, the giver of blessings, the solver of problems, the dispenser of justice and mercy. This envy-based, class-warfare-fueled revolutionary system talks always of justice, fairness, progress – but the only progress it delivers is from freedom to slavery.

This is the appeal more and more Americans have been conditioned over the years to respond to, as we have progressively fallen away from the Judeo-Christian values that once animated our culture and institutions. The envy-based system Marx unleashed on the world is alive and well, and in different forms it still dominates large parts of the world. In America, it has taken root in the Democrat Party. Ronald Reagan may have destroyed the 'evil empire' of the Soviet Union, but you cannot destroy evil itself. Evil remains, and continues to do its job of tempting and, if possible, corrupting the souls of men..."