Hollis Caravetta (5 July 2013)


Dear Patty and all Doves,
While we are all free to voice our personal opinions, I would like to state that being a "Zionist" ties the believer more closely to the Word of God than aligning with Judaism.  By giving only ONE SINGLE example, (Jeremiah 31), we can see that Zion is not just a lofty spiritual principle but the home for Jews as part of God's everlasting and redemptive plan for restoring His people back to their land.
Please read this whole small chapter and note that Zion is placed in a context of redemption back to LAND.
We cannot deny God's plan for Israel- even if we do not see the full harvest of Jews today.  After we are taken in the Rapture, God's clock will start ticking in the final countdown to redeem Israel during the time of Jacob's Trouble.
Hollis Caravetta
On Fire Ministries