Gerry Almond (30 July 2013)
"Soon, so very soon, will we be taken home?"

I believe that the sign of Noah not only had the 43,200 days overlay WHICH TAKES THE END TO 12/7/2015, but the sign of Noah also includes the specific counts of days in the ark.  The 43,200 days is a proven fact based on the tetrads of eclipses and the overlay of days equal to the days of Noah in preparing the ark.  I believe that it fulfills Matthew 24:37 where Jesus said “as the days of Noah were”.  An extension of 354 days could be made by adding the Jubilee year, which has Scriptural backing to do so.  It would take the end to October 17, 2016 with the 75 days at the end of that count, which would arrive at December 31, 2016.   

I know that the Holy Spirit was careful to outline the time counts within the very first solar year that Noah and his family resided inside the ark.  A careful analysis of this time was done by Dr. C. I. Schofield, which analysis he included in his footnotes to Genesis 7 and 8 in the Schofield Bible.  The footnote reads in its entirety:

“The flood began in the 600th year, 2nd month, 17th day of Noah’s life (Gen 7:11).  It rained 40 days and nights (7:12); the waters continued to increase (7:18), reaching their highest point on the 150th day (7:24), which figure includes the 40 days of 7:12.  The ark rested somewhere in the mountain range known as Ararat, (i. e. Armenia, 8:4) on the 7th month, 17th day (i. e. 74 more days).  There followed 40 days before Noah sent out the raven (8:6-7), and three periods of 7 days related to the three releasings of the doves (8:8-12), compare vs. 10 ‘yet other seven days’).  Thus far there were 285 days.  The period between the removal of the covering of the ark (601st year, 1st month, 1st day, vs. 13) and the third sending forth of the dove is 29 days (deduced by comparing 8:13 with the date of entering the ark, 7:11).  Finally, a comparison of 8:13 with vvs 14-16 indicates a further 57 days’ wait before Noah and his family went forth to the dry earth, or 371 days in all, which figure agrees when 7:11 is deducted from 8:14 ----12 months of 30 days plus 11 days.  (The Jews count both the beginning and ending day of a sequence).  But the actual elapsed time was exactly a solar year.  This is established by multiplying the 12 months, of 7:11 and 8:14, by the 29 1/2 days which comprise a lunar month.  The total is 354 days.  Add 11 days (17th to 27th of 2nd month, vs 7:11 and 8:14) --- one solar year.

Schofield further noted that Gen 7:24’s number of 150 suggests the use of a 30 day month---- 5 months of 30 days each.

This is fitting seeing that the earth in those days was in a perfect 360 degrees orbit around the sun, and its diurnal rotation was exactly 24 hours.  (I believe that this backs up the so-called prophetic year of 360 days).

The rapture, if tied directly to the vision of Sparrowcloud9, wherein the mustard plant was removed after fertilizing the grape vines, it can be no later than August.  This means that, if the rapture is tied to this event, it will occur before August 31, some year.  If 2013 is the year of the rapture event, then it will be now.

This is another speculation, but one based on study and logical reasoning.

In the vision of Sparrowcloud9, referred to already, the Lord instructed us to watch for patterns.  Patterns are exceedingly important in prophetic studies and understanding of them.  I am presenting here, what I think is a major pattern.    

I have, based on this, applied the counts in Noah’s experience in the ark.  It is the best find, meaning each count date is remembered for something important.  It is applied as follows:

Jul     Aug     Sep     Dec/Jan      Mar      Apr        May      Jun       Aug
27/28  3/4     12/13      31/1       15/16    24/25     14/15     6/7         3/4        

The final day, 3/4 is the day of exit from the ark.

Please note the following sequence matching the time line above.

1.  July 27/28, 2013:  7 days call to the ark,

2.  Aug 3/4, 2013:  beginning of 40 days of horrible destruction by “rains” and it is the birthday anniversary of President Barack Obama.

3.  Sep 12/13, 2013: end of the 40 days “rains” and which is the exact  25th anniversary of the Feast of Rosh Hashana in 1988, the year of Edgar Whisenant’s 88 Reasons Why the Rapture will be in 1988.  (This was a huge wake up call to the worldwide Church) back then, wherein the churches “went back to sleep” even turning dramatically to apostasy.

4.  Dec 31/Jan 1, 2014:  the “waters”, which I think speak of total chaos, begin to assuage as the “ark” hits land, and it will be the end of near total destruction of 110 additional days – a total of 150 including the first 40 days.  The new year is not a happy one.

5.  Mar 15/16, 2014:  74 days later and mountain tops appeared to Noah. The New World Order under emergency powers and martial law will have the populations in hand.  There will be severe rationing and the mark of the beast will probably be in play by now.  (This date, the Ides of March, always bodes evil).

6.  Apr 24/25, 2014:  40 more days past the Ides of March until the first bird, a raven, was sent out of the ark.  This date comes on the anniversary of a total lunar eclipse in 1986, and a partial eclipse in 2012.  The guillotine was first used on this date.  Maybe again?

7.  May 14/15, 2014:  21 days for doves to be sent, which ended with a dove finally bringing an olive twig in it mouth to show growth on the land.  This is reborn Israel’s 66th anniversary as a nation born in a day.  

8.  Jun 6/7, 2014:  22 days for full uncovering of the ark in preparation for departure, and it is the 47th anniversary of the retaking of the city of Jerusalem in 1967.  Without a doubt this is somehow connected with Jerusalem’s near destruction as prophesied by Jesus.  

9.  Aug 2/3, 2014:  A total of 58 days for ground to become fully dry, allowing for departure from the ark, and the eve of the end of the solar year with last day starting on the morrow.  One solar year will have passed.  Will it have included shortened days or are these yet to be?


I believe that these dates are pointing to major events in the upcoming 365 days period involving the Psalm 83 war and will probably also include the Ezekiel 38/39 war, and these dates seemingly fit perfectly on significant events, which may give us a picture of “the final sign of Noah”.

I also believe that the great tribulation is not only the time of God’s wrath against evil on this earth, but it also continues in earnest, to bring about the restoration of the planet to the same primeval conditions that existed before the worldwide flood of Noah’s day.  This is necessary in order to have the perfect conditions for the Millennial Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Israel is to be the head nation in that Kingdom on earth, ruled over by none other than King David, resurrected and acting as regent at the behest of the King of Kings, who is ruling in the orbiting New Jerusalem with His lovely Bride.

This time frame, therefore, logically leads to the coming of the two witnesses and the revealing of the 144,000.  I think it has already been suggested, if not established, that the abomination of desolation of the temple in Jerusalem may have already taken place in the month of March, 2013.  I refer you to the presence of Barack Obama standing in the holy place of Jesus birth in Bethlehem.  Renee M. and others have written about this event of March 22, 2013 assigning to it the fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy of the abomination of desolation found in chapter 9.  The new pope was elected in this same month and is or is to become the false prophet, I think.  

Virtually all of the dates in the above time line are significant to my understanding of the Noahic sign of Genesis 7 and 8.  

Gerry Almond