Bob Anderson (5 July 2013)
"re: Interesting- What is going on that we don't know about"

Hi Kurt,

This is SOP for the submarine service (It's not for nothing we're called the "silent service"). The only home news a submariner EVER receives is a new daddy notification. And, of course, no one ashore EVER knows where their loved ones are or what they're doing.

There are any number of reasons why your nephew had to postpone his plans. It was probably because his fill in person had a problem, was transferred, etc. Stuff happens.

I will be in prayer for your nephew, and, indeed, for all our service people.


Kurt S (2 July 2013)
"Interesting- What is going on that we don't know about"


My Mother called me today (July 1) to inform me that my Nephew's wedding scheduled for July 20, 2013 has been called off.
My Nephew is a Master Chief Naval Intelligence (submariner) and is out somewhere (nobody in the family knows where). Generally no one ever  knows where he is or was.
The Navy was fully aware of the wedding and planned to have him shipped to  Washington, D.C,. where he is stationed for  the wedding.
They called his mother and told her that he would  NOT be coming back for the  wedding.
That doesn't sound good.

Kurt S