Bob Anderson (30 July 2013)
"re: David Blackman re: Bob Anderson (23 July 2013)"

Hi David,

I don't want this to become an issue, particularly since we are in essential agreement, and this will be my last response to response to response.

Of course I know that all my sin, past, present and future, is forgiven in Christ Jesus, that it is covered by His holy, perfect, precious innocent blood, that my Father in Heaven no longer sees my sin. That in no way precludes my obligation to confess my daily sins, my foot washing, if you will. And, if the Lord sees fit to bring to remembrance past sin which has not been explicitly confessed, it is for my good. My old man, whom I am heartily sick of, is like one of those clown punching bags. Knock him down and up he comes again.

I believe I mentioned that an unknown percentage of the sinners prayers were valid. The converse is also true. Even in the case of an invalid utterance, a seed has been planted. Hopefully that will be followed by germination at some future time. 

I've been involved in evangelizing efforts whose sole objective was to induce the target to utter the prayer. Then, at day's end, everyone compares scorecards. This is not a good approach.

I enjoy your posts and agree, in essence, if not in fact, with you.

