Alain T (2 July 2013)
"New Evil"

I was in my morning prayer time and just asked the Lord if He had any word for us when I got this word.

Learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly. Imitate Me. Let your lives be a reflection of Me and you will reflect My glory. You will walk in My power when your lives reflect Me in every way, when your thoughts are like My thoughts, when your heart is set on doing My Kingdom work and not on yourselves.

Imitate your Father, My children, for I love you with an everlasting love and each one of you is very precious to Me, indeed. All I have is yours when you walk in My ways.

Come.....and walk with Me as Adam did in the cool of the day. Walk closely to Me so I may protect you from the new evil that is now entering your world. You will witness new evil and evil as never before. Some of it shall shock you, but all this has been foretold in My Holy Word.

Walk closely with Me, little children. Tell everyone you meet that I love them!

I could feel His urgency in these last words, I can feel that the evil coming is a really terrible one, and He longs to protect us all if only we will obey Him by walking closely to Him! I was reminded of a Mother with small children, when they are walking and a fast careless driver comes speeding down the road, how she pulls them close to protect them from harm. Will we heed His loving warning?