VR2 (31 July 2012)
"I Am Watching For The Rapture And The Soon Return of Jesus Christ "

Thanks Randy, for asking the doves to "chirp in" why they feel the rapture is close.  I've really enjoyed reading all the many responses posted so far.

One of my favorite rapture scriptures is:

John 14

Amplified Bible (AMP)

14 Do not let your hearts be troubled (distressed, agitated). You believe in and adhere toand trust in and rely on God; believe in and adhere to and trust in and rely also on Me.

In My Father’s house there are many dwelling places (homes). If it were not so, I would have told you; for I am going away to prepare a place for you.

And when (if) I go and make ready a place for you, I will come back again and will take you to Myself, that where I am you may be also.

This Blessed Hope from our Beloved Jesus just melts my heart and at the same time gets me so excited for what is soon to be a reality.  Can you just imagine?  

You know what would be fun, is for the doves to share their favorite rapture scripture.  Maybe some of you have discovered scriptures others haven't known before.  I just read a rapture scripture today i hadn't known before, a dove quoted from Psalms.  

Many of you are familiar with my experience i had in 2002, but in case there are new viewers, i'll recap with a very short version of what transpired 2 nights in a row:  The first night I woke up from a prophetic dream, looked at the clock which was at 11:59 and was compelled to say out loud, "It's one minute to midnight!"  The clock stayed at that time for 3 minutes.  The Lord said twice, "Tell the people I'm coming back soon." The next night, I was awakened at 12:34.  I heard in my spirit, "1 for the money, 2 for the show, 3 to get ready, and 4 to go."

The numbers, 1234, have been a sweet reminder to me from the Lord, that the rapture is coming soon.  

A few years ago, I was awakened and heard very LOUD in my spirit, "Look at the clock NOW!"  It was 12:34.  

I had a dream of my husband and I going to a door that had 1234 on it.  We knew glorious eternity was on the other side of the door.  My husband went to get the key.  He returned with a Bible.

"1 for the money, 2 for the show, 3 to get ready, and 4 to go,"  would surely fit nicely for this Friday/Saturday. Because of the different time zones around the world, when it is the 4th in Israel, it is the 3rd some where else.    

In a prior Dove post, I shared the dream I had on this 4th of July, at 3 AM, I was awakened from a dream.  Before I went to sleep, I asked the Lord to show me a dream of the rapture if it was very soon.  I had an amazing dream that my husband and I heard the trumpet and felt every molecule in our bodies transform. As I was waking up, I asked the Lord, "When?" I saw the numbers 99.6 and was impressed that we were 99.6% there.  A few of the doves were kind enough to offer what dates might be a possibility, but because there was no "starting date reference" it was hard to determine and ending date. 

This past Friday night when I went to bed, I asked the Lord if He would give me a rapture dream, if the rapture was going to take place within the next several days...I was picturing the 3rd or 4th in my mind.  I had a rapture dream.  But in all honesty, I can't say it was from God.  It could have been because I had a conversation with my brother earlier that day about "being on that train."  I had written a song "The Glory Train," and was singing a few times through out the day..  It starts out: "All aboard everybody, the glory train is about to leave."  The dream was, my dad, who passed away in 1999 was sitting on a bright silver train with his eyes closed and his feet were in my lap.  The large train car had lots of people.  There was a group of women laughing, filled with joy...the one in the middle represented all the many women, still living, in my family.  There was also a German shepherd dog that had its eyes closed.  I was impressed it represented pets and other animals.  

Some of the other reasons I think Jesus is coming for the church soon, 1.The evil has to stop soon.  This wicked world is being run by a demonic power that is beyond sadistic.  The trafficking of children just has to stop. All the evil, pain, heartache, torture, has to end soon. Our soldiers are dying, for what?  Certainly isn't freedom anymore.

2. Some bible publishers have taken Jesus as the Son of God out of the bible. The Word is the same yesterday, today and forever. I think He has been more than patient.  It's Time!

3. DNA manipulation.  Our Creator will stop those messing with His creation real soon.

4. We are the generation that saw the fig tree blossom.

5.  Many people, besides me, have experienced the Lord telling them that He is coming back soon. Holy Spirit is revealing the soon rapture is about to take place.

6.  We are in "As in the days of Noah."  There are nephilim and aliens. There is sexual perversion.  Hey, and an ark was just built to scale. haha

7.  The soon coming Planet X/Nibiru appears to be the "wormwood" as described in Rev. There is devastation as portrayed in the tribulation soon arriving to our earth.  God is in control. We will be gone, kept from God's wrath.  I read a great article, could have been Donna Wasson's, she is a great writer on RaptureReady.  Anyhow, the writer said a reason for a pre-trib rapture is because they didn't think Jesus was going to allow His bride to be all beat up in the trib and then come get her to join Him for a wedding supper.  I liked that reasoning - made me chuckle.  

8. There are probably many more reasons, but those are all i can think of for now. Reading all the wonderful posts on Five Doves and other websites where people like yourselves, Mark Biltz, and others have studied the Word and the Feasts, received visions and dreams and connected the dots, we can see the puzzle pieces all coming together to form the Big Picture in the Sky!  Oh What A Glorious Day! Soon we'll be gathered together at the great assembly with Jesus!  Oh, Hallelujah!