Susan B (31 July 2012)
"To all Doves re Magog"

Dear Dove family
Today I took a nap and woke up saying "oh, so that's the answer". I had a "thinking dream" that was telling me people have been misguided into thinking Magog is Russia when it is Turkey.

I'm praying about this but wanted some input. Turkey also lies to the north and is largely Islamic. They're a NATO member and they are growing in power. They were once the seat of the Ottoman Empire.

I've been wondering about Putin lately as he seems to have the best grip on what's actually going on and wonder if he's not the enemy at all? I know he's a devout Christian who attends church each Sunday- Russian orthodox I would suppose. Have we been misled into thinking Russia are "the bad guys"?

Any insight or input appreciated.
God bless,
Susan in Aussie land