Ruben S (31 July 2012)
"RE: Paul H (28 July 2012) - "Two Foreboding Dreams""


Paul and Doves,
The first dream. The New World Order agenda and obama’s self assured grinning smile says exactly what you saw in your dream: “no one is going to thwart their plans.”

George Bush Sr. and Jr. (both from the Republican Party) supporting obama (a Democrat) tells us that both political parties (including Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate) are part of the New World Order’s secret plan to fulfill their unlawful and harmful agenda.

The New World Order elite, with obama as their leader, cannot and will not be stopped.

For it is written.

Second Dream ‘It was night time and I was…looking into the night sky when high up two continues streams of little stars orange in colour started to descend,…I knew this was something evil in nature (fallen angels) as they descended further the two streams spread out in curving paths.’

Please, read this article published on Yahoo! News on Tuesday, July 24, 2012:


Watch the Moon Pass Mars in Night Sky Tonight


At nightfall tonight (July 24, 2012), look about just above the west-southwest horizon, about the width of your clenched fist held at arm’s length, and you’ll see a wide crescent moon, weather permitting. Hovering above and to its right will be a moderately bright, yellow-orange "star." But that’s no star – rather, it's the planet Mars.

(Mars represents: WAR (it was named after Mars (Greek: Ares) the Roman god of war. Most likely this is related to the war in Heaven found in Revelation 12:7.)


Mars 1933: a night sky flashback

In the time for Earth to go around the sun 79 times, Mars goes around almost exactly 42 times (Rev. 13:5 … power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. Rev. 13:7 - He was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them.) (Mars, the god of war, satan represented by his antichrist, will have 42 months (Rev.13:5) to make war with the saints, the same time it takes that planet to complete an orbit around the sun.)

So right now, Mars is repeating its behavior of 79 years ago, in 1933. But there's a catch: One thing that is always unique is the pattern of its conjunctions with the moving array of other planets in the night sky.

Mars is usually involved in many more conjunctions than are the more distant planets because its long trip around our sky carries it in front of them. Currently, Mars is positioned against the dim stars of western constellation Virgo.    The Red Planet is on its way toward a mid-August rendezvous (A meeting at an agreed time and place, typically between two people. A place used for such a meeting.) with the planet Saturn (Saturn has been associated with Satan) and the bluish star Spica (Spica means "Virgo's ear of grain,” usually wheat, and it’s the brightest star in the constellation Virgo)

In 1933, Mars (WAR) had a conjunction with Spica (Wheat harvest?), but not Saturn (satan), because in that year the ringed world was residing in the constellation of Capricornus, the Sea Goat.

But that was then, and this is now.

Take a good look at where Mars is right now, about 10 degrees (or one fist-length) to the lower right of Saturn and Spica. It will take another three weeks (21 days) for Mars to reach them.

The moon (Bride) will reach Saturn (satan) and Spica (Wheat Harvest) on Wednesday night (July 25.)


Paul H, in conclusion, this is what I think your were told in your two dreams (This is only my opinion):


1-     The New World Order agenda, with obama as their leader, cannot and will not be stopped, and

2-     You were shown the war on Heaven with satan and his army being cast down to earth.

3-     If this is related to the Moon (the Bride) passing Mars (War) and reaching Saturn (satan) and Spica (Wheat harvest), as the article above shows, the revealing of the antichrist, satan out of Heaven and the Rapture should happen very soon, any time now.


Yours in Christ