Randy (28 July 2012)
"Video: TARP was even WORSE than you think.  It was "An Abysmal Failure" ......DUH!!!"

An Abysmal Failure....Hmmmmm......... does anybody really expect a better outcome from our Gevernment?  Well, you can hope all you want....but look at the type of people who are in charge.  Just to name, 2:
Chuck Schumer (D, NY)  less than 1% of his plitical contributions come from his constituents.  95% + comes from Lobbyists.  What a crying shame....and WHAT is Chuckie's BIG Committee Position?  I think he's on the Banking Committee.
So is Barney Frank.(D, Boston) ...just 2 weeks ago he was MARRIED to a MAN 30 years his junior.  Barney was censured by the House some 20 years ago for "running a male brothel" out of his apartment.  Actually, his boyfriend at the time was doing this......oh.....THAT's OK then....    UGH! 
Oh.....AND Nancy Pelosi and her husband (D, Calif).......  (like so many others) becoming MILLIONARES while in office, trading on INSIDE Information and playing the game with the Lobbyists....... 
Dear God in Heaven.......with people like this running the country.....what should we have expected?  Do we deserve better results than we see?    Probably not.....  this is ALL on God's agenda, to bring us to the brink of TOTAL WORLD FAILURE....just in time for the Rapture.  !! 
EVERYBODY......HAS.......A...... VESTED.......INTEREST........IN THE OUTCOMES................ AND THAT....IS WHY WE'RE DOOMED TO FAILURE.  NO ONE....AND I MEAN.....NOOOOOOOOOOO   ONNNNNNNNNNNNNE...   IS REALLY TRYING (or even if they are trying........they are not ABLE) TO FIX ANYTHING NOW..........
TARP - An Abysmal Failure, short video....from someone who would know.... 

Also..."I hope we see (Bankers) in handcuffs" .....re: the LIBOR bank Interest Rate scandal: 
The guy in these 2 short videos......is the ONLY person "crying in the wilderness" that the bankers are running the world....and controlling the politicians......and getting bailed out by who?  By US.....the TAXPAYERS! 
Quote from the last video "Until there is REAL individual accountablility....CRIME PAYS."   Again.....DUH!!! 
And NO BANKER has gone to jail over any of these problems in the last 4 years !!!!!!!!!!!   UGH! 
I am sooooooooooooooooo disappointed in our political leaders....ALL OF THEM!  I am not disappointed in the bankers......The World's Top bankers.......THEY are ALL Crooks....doing whatever they wanted to do to CHASE profits.....so what do you expect????   The French had the right solution in the 1700's, during the LAST Great Banking Scandal.......they cut off their heads!!!    ATTA BOY...Frenchie!!    LOL.... 
And....all the dominos are ALL LINED UP...just waiting for what?  For the Rapture in September, 2012 !!
We are coming up on the 4th anniversary of the BIGGEST DOW Jones ONE DAY drop in the history of the markets...and it happened on Rosh Hashanah 2008.  I beleive it POINTED to Rosh Hashanah 2012 as The Rapture.....now, just under 8 weeks from NOW! 
I do so, just want to go home!   I do so, just want to be RIGHT....about Rosh Hashanah this year.
Come Lord Jesus.......  take Your waiting Bride Home ! 
PS......every day....I watch the news...local, national, international....and I am APPALED by everything I see.  The murders, killings, terrorists......the bankers mis-deeds....again and again and again....NON-STOP.....  and the Politicians who can't fix ANYTHING..........  oh my..... I get so tired of it all.....
I can't wait to be in a SIN FREE place.....heaven!  To be in a sin free body.....  To be with ONLY People who Love God and our Lord Jesus Christ.......  Oh....... won't it be GRAND! 
PPS....YOu know....but IF I can IGNORE ALL the news every day......  life in central Florida is actually really nice, on a personal basis.  I mean.....My life is pretty good still..... the sun still comes up every day...... and I thank God for the life He has given to me. 
So, I do NOT long for the Rapture because I NEED it to happen to take me away from this life....I long for the Rapture because THAT is what God has been teaching me over the lat 15 years......  about the return of Christ IN MY LIFETIME.. and about the NEARNESS of His return becuase Israel's age, since the re-birth in 1948, is now approaching age 70 in just afew years. 
And yet even so........  my heart longs for heaven, and to see God's plans in these Last, of the Last Days start...with the Pre-Trib Rapture of the Bride of Christ......  Oh, could it all be just over 7 weeks from this weekend ?  I hope so! 
I just want this WAITING to be OVER!!