Randy (23 July 2012)
"Is it IN the NUMBERS?  DID the Events of 911-----POINT to 2012 for the Rapture??"

LOTS of us....the Watchers.....are looking at the next 60 days for the Rapture.
Looking HARDER than I have ever seen, by ALL of us......
Could 911 be as simple as;
9 + 1 + 1 = 11....mean 11 MORE years until the Rapture....2001 + 11 = 2012 ????
911 happened ONE WEEK before Rosh Hashanah 2001. 
Could be this simple???   LOTS of Numbers have been POINTING to 2012 for the Rapture since Rosh Hashanah 2008, when the DOW Jones Market fell an astonishing 777.68 points that day.  It is STILL the largest single day drop in the HISTORY of the Markets.  It is as if that number is STILL SCREAMING OUT AT US....HEY!  THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!!   AND IT WAS ON A JEWISH FEAST DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why 2012?  See Link:  http://www.2012roshhashanahrapture.com/why-in-2012.html   
And...btw.....as for numbers......  7's are everywhere!   Just like the DOW DROP...777.68 !! 
1 year ago, in the Norway massacre---- 77 people died.
This past Friday, in the Theater massacre -      70 people were involved:   (12 dead and 58 injured)   It would NOT have been 70...if his automatic gun had not jammed.....
I do NOT believe God is in those events.......  since man has FREE WILL.....   man has the choice to do evil things.  But, somehow..... is God IN the NUMBERS????
Tick Tock....