Paul N. F. (19 July 2012)


   By A. W. Tozer

    I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
    of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named.
    (Ephesians 3:14-15)

        There is an important message for the believing family
    of God in the Bible: next to God Himself we need each
    other most!

        God's  ideal  is  a  fellowship  of  faith,  a  Christian
    community. He never intended that salvation should be
    received and enjoyed by the individual apart from the
    larger company of believers. With that, it also needs to
    be said that to live within the religious family does not
    mean that we must approve everything that is done there.

        But God has so created us that we need each other. We
    may and should go into our closet and pray in secret, but
    when the prayer is ended we should go back to our
    people. That is where we belong.

        No one is wise enough to live alone, nor good enough
    nor strong enough. From our brethren we can learn how
    to do things and sometimes also we can learn how not to
    do them!

       Our Lord who is the Great Shepherd has said that we
    are the sheep of His pasture and it is in our nature to live
    with the flock.

   Best of all, the Shepherd always stays with His flock!

    Yours in Christ,
    Paul N. F.