Phil (20 July 2012)
"HSBC and the Opening Ceremony"

John and Doves,
So hot on the heels of big player London Bank HSBC admitting the laundering of terrorist money and drug money we are told today that
the Games opening Ceremony will be cut short by 1/2 an hour to let people catch transport back to their hotels and homes before the last
bus leaves. How very odd that they only just managed to work that out! It will now be 3 hours long starting at 9pm.
9pm = 3+3+3. 2100 = 700+700+700 or 777.
3hrs = 180 mins or 60+60+60 mins forming a 666.
1/2 an hour is 30 mins or 1,800 seconds or 600+600+600 seconds forming a 666.
This was the same time Mr Obama spent on his infomercial way back in 2008.
HSBC in the Scripture Code for English gematria = 192 = 8(8+8+8) and is the same as the distance from Glastonbury Tor to the
Olympic Stadium in kilometres. What a coincidence!
Oh and they have published a 66 page information booklet too!
Why the "thorn tree" on top of Glastonbury Tor?
Keep looking up,