Paul H (28 July 2012)
"Two Foreboding Dreams"

Dear John and Doves,
The first dream was about 2-3 months ago. In this dream I found myself with George Bush Senior and George Bush Junior, in what seemed something like the House of Representatives, we where standing a couple of steps above the floor of the House behind a banister. I don't know of the specifics of the conversation I was having,  but George Bush Senior was giving me a dressing down in regards to their New World Order agenda, and that this was the way it is going to be. George Bush Junior was just nodding in agreement with his father. Then, just below us O walked past, looking back over his shoulder he gave me a very self assured grinning smile,  as if to say no one is going to thwart their plans.
Second Dream about a 1-2 months ago: It was night time and I was on the porch with members of my family. I was looking into the night sky when high up two continues streams of little stars orange in colour started to descend, for a second I thought it was the rapture, but then a foreboding came over me and I knew this was something evil in nature (fallen angels) as they descended further the two streams spread out in curving paths. I then quickly ushered my family inside.
If anyone has any thoughts on these dreams that would be appreciated.
See You All Soon
Yours in Christ
Paul H2