Ola Ilori (31 July 2012)

Hi Doves,
Carlos Mwangi, a believer from Nairobi, Kenya, was shown in a trance, that the Rapture will occur at around 18:00 hrs, on a Saturday.
Could it be this Saturday the 4th of August 2012?
What's really interesting is that when it's 18:00 hrs in Nairobi, Kenya it will also be 18:00 hrs in Jerusalem - They're in the same time Zone!!!
We don't have long to find out!
"...I was in the city center of Nairobi city, I had been sent by my mother to do some errands and I was now on my way back home.
As I was criss crossing shoulder to shoulder I suddenly looked down for I felt very uneasy with my left shoe so I bent down to adjust.
I was very aware of my surroundings suddenly standing up I just froze and looked up and then leveled my head where I could see cars.
They all began crashing simultaneously and there were people falling at the same time because all over, graves were opening.
Directly above, to the direction I was facing, I saw a big angel with big triangular curved elegant wings with a golden trumpet standing in front of the other angels, and the line of these angels stretched back as far as I could see and he blew the trumpet a second time.
Then I turned to the opposite direction and I saw people flying towards a center and there was JESUS with ANGEL MICHAEL at his side.
It's then that I realised that the heavenly citizens were on opposite sides of the sky.
The music from the trumpet was sweet and loud and did not hurt my ears.
I don't remember the tune but it was inviting pulling me up to the clouds.
THE ARCH ANGEL who had the trumpet in front seemed to blow it continuously blowing a long key and the others behind him seemed to play Music but it was pure harmony all the same..the sky light was so bright like goldish yellowish color.
It was around 6:00PM and it was a Saturday.
I noticed that people seemed confused at the noise, others were hysterical, as if demon possessed, because they held their ears and screamed in agony.
It then vanished as quick as it had started..."