Mike Curtiss (31 July 2012)
"THE MISTAKE OF OUR LIFETIME…maybe in the history of this nation!"


THE Error OF OUR LIFETIME…perhaps in the entire history of this nation!

The election of Barack H. Obama and his presidency has been a massive stain on the history of America, a severe threat to this nation and its future, and a debilitating time for many Americans economically. His frightening attacks on American values and wanton disregard for our Constitution rank with some of the most despicable political deeds in American history. This nation must remove him from the presidency in the 2012 election, but must also remember what the man and his followers did or attempted to do to destroy everything America has stood for over 230 years at home and abroad.
The American media and press should be ashamed of themselves for failing to vet this man who was unknown largely because of his own efforts to cover up his past and his intentions. The electorate who supported him as well as the media and press need to pause and reflect on the man and the motivation to support and vote for him. We the people must demand a better effort by the press and media in the future to vet all candidates. We must question, in the future, the meaning of declarations such as fundamental transformation. We need to assure ourselves that we know who we are voting for, who we are trusting with the executive branch of government. We need to do this so that we never make a similar mistake again. We simply cannot afford to make the mistake again or we risk losing our liberty.
B H Obama is desperate to be re-elected in order to continue to implant his mis-guided ideology, his fundamental transformation of America. He is prepared to do anything to be re-elected including continuing his history of lies, but more recently his disregard for the authority given to him by the Constitution – such as enforcing immigration laws of the United States…for the purpose of gaining Hispanic votes. He has abandoned his responsibilities of office this year in order to raise the necessary funds to gain re-election.
B H Obama, in my opinion, is unqualified to hold the office of President. He came to office without meaningful experience, with an undocumented education, questionable political ties, and a determination to lie his way into office…and to lie to accomplish his agenda.
He must not be re-elected nor should liberal congressmen who support him.
As time has passed, we are discovering that he is a socialist…that is determined by what he says and what he does. His healthcare legislation is the cornerstone of his goal to install a form of socialism in the United States. This legislation gives him the portal to increase taxes on all of us including the ‘middle class’, and to creep deeply into our lives. He is hell-bent on steadily increasing the size of the federal government, and in the process saddling the nation with an unsustainable debt. He promised transparency in the formation of a healthcare bill, but did it behind closed doors, shutting out any opposition. It is the way he operates. For those who don’t believe his socialist leaning, listen to his words – equality, fairness, spread the wealth, ‘other more equal economies do better than us’.
Where does his ideology originate? His father fought against capitalism in Kenya and lost his job when he advocated communism. His grandparents, who raised him, were communist sympathizers. During his college years he openly sought relationships with left wing and radical ideologists. He was a member of the Chicago New Party, a ‘social democratic’ party, modeled on the Swedish labor movement and radical by American standards. He was very involved with ACORN and the Chicago New Party was a political arm of ACORN. Obama denied both associations when he ran for president. He maintained relationships with known terrorists [Bill Ayers] and anti-Americans such as Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and also lied about those relationships.
He manufactured his own background relative to friends and family, claiming they were victimized by racism and discrimination. He lied about his mother’s health insurer [Cigna] saying they refused to pay for her treatments when they never denied payment of bills. It was part of his approach to disparaging free market enterprise and economic order. He created characters for his memoir and re-arranged chronological order of events to suit his creation of himself. He viewed the world through racial lens in those early days and still does. There is virtually no information available on his college years or transcripts of his scholastic records. It is even hard to find people who knew him then.
During his administration, this president has disregarded the oath of office he took to assure that the laws of this nation are faithfully executed. He has refused to enforce immigration laws passed by Congress, and he has illegally appointed agency directors and NLRB directors. He and his Justice Department have failed to address voting violations and other issues. He and his Interior Department have been in contempt of a ruling on offshore oil drilling. He has said he will take action if Congress refuses to act on a variety of issues, even though it is not his authority. When he was unable to get cap and trade through Congress, he simply instructed the EPA to implement regulations and ignore the courts. He has openly challenged the Supreme Court and the separation of powers of the Constitution. Finally, he has violated the first and fourth and tenth amendments among a variety of actions including rulings under the Affordable Care Act.
His choking regulations and policy and failed stimulus [it was a payoff to friends] has resulted in the worst economic recovery in our history. He demonstrates no evidence he understands business and commerce. He regularly demonstrates that he holds America and our Constitution and our way of life in disregard, even contempt, as he strives to change America to a European style socialist state.
President Obama is a pathological liar, unapologetically arrogant, and an insufferable narcissist. His lies to the American people are well documented, and there is no reason to think he won’t continue to lie as he tries to turn this nation into a socialist state. He must not be re-elected nor should the liberal congressmen who support him.