Michael Colunga (28 July 2012)
"Kimberly, re:  wolves"

Hello, John and Doves,
And yet, in American Indian mythology, a wolf can mean a fearsome protector, like God's holy angels are.  My guess is that your little shihtzu said to the LORD Most High upon reaching Heaven, "Here I am, LORD, send me."  Either he was sent back, this time with the jaws of a piranha, or God has provided a successor to that role of protector.  He also protects who simply prays for you, so size doesn't matter.  Gabriel prayed, and the way was cleared to Daniel 21 days later.
Mike C.
Kimberly (27 July 2012)
"Partial Fulfillment of Dream"

To John and Doves,

I had a dream last fall.  One of my dogs was in the dream and I dreamed about an army of wolves.

Dream About Wolves

It has been difficult for me to write about this, but now that a few weeks have passed, I can write.
On the evening of July 11, my little shihtzu, the one in my dream, had a stroke.  After it happened it left her unable to stand up.
I did everything I could for her but, she was no better the next morning.  My husband took her to the veterinarian and she had to be put to sleep.

The same day that she had the stroke, two of my husbands in-laws died.  My husband went out of town on Friday, the day after my dog was put to sleep,
to attend one of the funerals.  Emotionally, I was not up to going to a funeral and I stayed at home.  He didn't come home until Sunday.

I was at home, all weekend, alone.  I wasn't able to call anyone and talk about her death.  I just wanted to say that what kept me from falling to
pieces, is that I had 5 Doves.  Reading everyone's letters and concentrating on the things that I read and staying in God's word is what got me
through that difficult time.

As for the dream, I've always known that my dog coming to me with a broken jaw meant her death.  In the dream, she never whined or made a sound
and I knew that it was because she couldn't speak.  Now she is dead and cannot speak.  So, to me, this is the fulfillment of the first part of the dream.

As for the army of wolves, time will tell.  I connected the wolves with false prophets, but there are also prophecies in the Old Testament where wolves
are mentioned.  Some of these prophecies have already been fulfilled but, it's possible that they will have a dual fulfillment.
In the dream, the wolves were an army, and I had a deep sense of foreboding when I saw them.

List of scriptures and some insight about the wolves mentioned in the Bible.


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