Mary Haas (21 July 2012)
"Shooting Spree at Dark Knight Rises"

Well, once again the mainstream media are right on time!  They are reporting that last night's shooting spree at a theater in Aurora, Colorado can all be blamed on the Tea Party Movement.  I believe it has very little to do with the Tea Party OR the new Batman movie, and everything to do with the U.N.'s gun grab that Hillary Clinton has already stated she will sign off on next Friday.  They have to disarm the people and that is all there is to it.  If 12 young people have to be shot to death or 12,000 have to be killed to get the disarmament that the elite want, they are willing to do it!  I thank the God of heaven and earth that one day soon He will bring justice to this earth, and there won't be any brilliant politicians or attorneys that will be able to get these people off for what they have done.  The Lord is going to shine His glorious truth upon the wicked and there is nothing covered that won't be uncovered on that day.  Come quickly Lord Jesus!

p.s.  The sham that is going on in Florida with the shooting of Trayvon Martin is also all about gun control.  Florida has very liberal gun laws compared to other states, and I suspect the same is true for Colorado as well........any Colorado residents out there that know? 

p.s.s.  By this evening, the Colorado shootings won't even be news headlines anymore.........they will go back to reporting stories about Kim Kardashian, Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, etc. before nightfall!  Sickening...........

Mary Haas