Mary Adams (21 July 2012)
"Are the dots coming together?"

This morning we awoke to the horror of Theater Nine in Aurora,Colorado. 
Aurora (Latin: [awˈroːra]) is the Latin word for dawn, the goddess of dawn in Roman mythology and Latin poetry. Like Greek Eos and Rigvedic Ushas (and possibly Germanic Ostara), Aurora continues the name of an earlier Indo-European dawn goddess, *Hausos.
Nine  From "Numbers in Scriptures", E.W.Bullinger):  The number nine is a most remarkable number in many respects.  It is held in great reverence by all who study the occult sciences; and in mathematical science it possesses properties and powers which are found in no other number. It marks the completeness, the end and issue of all things as to man--the judgment of man and all his works.  The judgments of God in Hag. i,II are enumerated in nine particulars:
"And I called for a drought upon the land, and upon the mountains, and upon the CORN, and upon the NEW WINE, an upon the OIL, and upon that which the ground bringeth forth, and upon MEN, and upon CATTLE, and upon all the labour of the HANDS."  
We are experiencing these nine as this is written, and some of this has only happened within just the last few weeks!
Exactly one week from today, we can watch the opening ceremony of the Olympics in London. Some have noted that it will take place during Tisha B'av, the Day of Mourning, the saddest day on the Jewish calendar. By doing some "Googling" one can see the historical reasons."The ancient rabbinic sages held that the ninth of Av was preordained to be a day of tragedy. The Talmud states that God marked this day for tragedy because of the incident in Numbers 13-14 that took place in the wilderness on this day. Moses had sent spies to scout the Promised Land, and based on their frightened report, the people wept at the prospect of entering such a formidable land full of giants. God declared to them, "You wept without cause; I will therefore make this an eternal day of mourning for you." The Talmudic tractate Taanit states that God then decreed that on the ninth of Av the Temple would be destroyed and Israel would go into exile."
Others have shared on this site about the significance of ringing of bells in London on that day prior to the opening ceremony:
On this very day, ironically (?) an article appeared which links the news of Aurora with the 9th of Av in a most sinister way:
OBAMA:  The first lady, Michelle, will attend the opening ceremonies as her husband's representative. Obama himself cannot attend. 
Romney plans to attend the opening ceremonies of the Olympics as a guest of the International Olympic Committee. The official said he will sit in a separate section of the stadium from the more than 100 heads of state who will be there, as well as from the official U.S. delegation, led by first lady Michelle Obama.  Then he heads to Israel. When?
On this very day, ironically (?) an article appeared which links the news of Aurora with the 9th of Av in a most sinister way: