Marilyn Agee (20 July 2012)
"Greg (17 July 2012) "To Marilyn Agee Re: Hell""

Thank you for your kind words. My sincere thanks to all that helped me pay that bill. Thank you Lord. I didn’t know what to do.
I can hardly believe my sight now. It is so much better, it is shocking. My cataracts were orange. The world simply doesn’t look like I thought it looked. The background of this page is white. I thought it was sunshine yellow. That sounds like I could see yellow, but I didn’t know the background plate of the kitchen clock I keep in the bedroom because it has large numbers, is yellow. I thought it was beige. I didn’t see the yellow lemons on a wire sculpture on the wall. I thought it was just a tree with leaves. The lemons just blended into the Navaho White wall. I had forgotten that it was a lemon tree. Riding in the van, I thought people's white garage doors were in need of a new coat of paint. They are now sparkling white as if they have all been painted recently. Black is blacker. White is whiter. Other colors are so much brighter, I feel like every house has been painted recently. Before, I couldn't tell black from midnight blue in the closet. Now I can.
> > Although I agree with you that no one will make it out of hell once there, I disagree that hell is the second death because scripture says that both death and hell were cast into the Lake of Fire, which is the second death. This tells me that the Lake of Fire is another place, wherever that may be. I don't think the Lake of Fire has been made yet by God.
I see what you mean about the Lake of Fire being the second death.
Here are my thoughts as I read the scriptures that mention the second death.
Rev_2:11 says, "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death."
Man is body, soul and spirit. I think the first death is of the body, and the second death of the soul. The spirit doesn't die. The overcomer keeps his body, soul and spirit.
Rev_20:6 says, "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years."
The first resurrection consists of both the First-Trump Rapture and the Last-Trump Rapture. The second death has no power over those caught up in the Raptures.
Rev_20:14 says, "And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death."
Is the LAKE OF FIRE the second death, because it causes it?, or is the CASTING OF DEATH AND HELL INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE the second death?
I'm not sure, but here are my thoughts.
The Lake of Fire alone could cause a first or a second death.
Here death and hell had already accomplished the first death, the death of the body.
Then the casting of death and hell into the Lake of Fire can only be a second death.
It takes both the casting of death and hell and the Lake of Fire to bring about the second death.
However that is, I take it that the second death happens when one is cast into the Lake of Fire that is formed when the asteroid Wormwood impacts Earth and destroys Babylon on the Day of God’s Wrath (Rev 8:11; 18:21).
Clarke's Commentary on the Bible says, "This is the second death - The first death consisted in the separation of the soul from the body for a season; the second death in the separation of body and soul from God for ever. The first death is that from which there may be a resurrection; the second death is that from which there can be no recovery. By the first the body is destroyed during time; by the second, body and soul are destroyed through eternity."
Rev_21:8 says,  "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."
I hope the Rapture will be on Av 9/10. We are the Temple of the Holy Spirit, and two Temples went up in smoke on those dates.
Marilyn Agee
Hi Marilyn,
I haven't emailed a post to you for some time. I praise God for you, and the financial help that you received. I trust your eyes are doing well and getter stronger everyday.
I was reading your response to a post directed at you concerning the lukewarm Chrisitians and hell. Here's your response to this question:
Is anybody who ended up in hell going to make out by any chance at the Throne Of Judgement?
I don’t think so. Hell is the second death. The fire is not quenched. The first death is of the body, the second death is death of the soul. The spirit, sometimes referred to as the worm, doesn’t die.
Although I agree with you that no one will make it out of hell once there, I disagree that hell is the second death because scripture says that both death and hell were cast into the Lake of Fire, which is the second death. This tells me that the Lake of Fire is another place, wherever that may be. I don't think the Lake of Fire has been made yet by God.
I am a firm believer that the foolish virgins are them that missed the Rapture, therefore they will experience God's wrath for their disobedience. Scripture tells us that because of their disobedience God's wrath comes upon them (Eph. 5: 6). These disobedient children obviously went into great tribulation because of unrighteouness in them, for they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved. And God will send them strong delusion. And they will be damned, because they had please in unrighteousness (doing the sins of the flesh)!!!
"And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness" (2 Thess. 2: 10-12).
In Christ,