Mari (20 July 2012)
"To Doves"


I just wanted to share some dreams and experiences i've had on the night of july 18.
In the first one i had superpowers and i was defending my house from enemies.
Second one:I was done with work and i was going home on one side of the street.There i saw many cars with the doors open waiting for the people that were invited to a wedding.On the other side, next to the entrance of the emergency room,i saw a lots of dead people,like solidified corpses laying one next to each other and on top of each other.The best description would be Lot's wife,i think,but were flat and a lots of them.This coworker,she lived close to the hospital and these corpses were layed in a row up to her house.
Another dream:I was talking money with a person and i was making sure i am not in debt to her.I bought her something or she bought me something and i wanted to be even with her.We were having this discuttion i think in a old people park.These elderly were sitting around and were relaxing.I remember them having catheters and canes and seemed pretty needy.I thought they were not too mobile and able to move around well enough.Suddanly i see them rehearse for a wedding.They were up some  staires and were coming down without any problems.It was like the rehearsal down an aile but there were staires instead.I was shoked to see them move like that,in spite of their age.
Afterwards i wake up,gradually,by some feminine voice like she was calling someone.I didn't understand the first words but, by the time she said the last one i was already fully awake.The word was:"Ready?" with the question mark.
I go to the window to see if it's anybody out there(maybe neighbours).It was quiet.Nobody.I remembered the dreams i just had,and i thought maybe it was God speaking to me,asking me if i'm ready.I go back to sleep and very shortly i wake up;,it almost felt like someone intentionaly  woke me up imediately after i fell asleep.
I clearly heard these words in my spirit:"The Earth will burn" but they were in my natural language.The verb was in front (which is ok in my language) which signifies the importance and the imperativity of the statement.Earth also has the meaning of dirt,land in my language.
After this experience i went back to sleep,this time till morning.

Note:That day after these experiences, i asked the Lord if it was Him or an angel regarding the voice i heard.I prayed and opened the Bible in faith for confirmation and it opened at Matthew 24 where it talks about the end times and to be ready.There is an actual section that is entitled" Be Ready!"
Amazing,since i asked Him for the word "ready"confirmation!