K.S. Rajan (21 July 2012)


Friday, July 20, 2012
A stern prophetic warning

We as a people need to repent and return to the one true God--YHVH--and begin to revive ourselves, our families, our communities and our nation from the basis of the Holy Scriptures in the Bible. We need to quit following emotional, strange and extra-biblical teachings and get back to the ancient paths. Just one small example--one small one--is our system of politics. We are supposed to choose righteous people who are of truth, fear YHVH and hate covetousness to represent our interests as a nation. But both the Republican and Democratic parties are out of control to the point they do not even know truth, especially in providing for our general welfare and national security--the very reason for government.

The occupant of the Oval Office is arguably the worst to have held that position in the history of our nation. His record and reputation speak for themselves. It is recorded in countless news stories that this president and his administration is actively in league with the Muslim Brotherhood in helping overthrow Arab countries in the name of "democracy." It has been proven and reported repeatedly that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's top aide Huma Abedin's family is intimately connected to the Muslim Brotherhood. The overall connections of this Administration to the Muslim Brotherhood have led to a Congressional investigation whether there is influence by the terrorist group on US policy.

From Senator John McCain to House Speaker John Boehner and many other Republicans we are hearing condemnation of Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann (R-Mn). She wrote letters to intelligence and national security agencies raising questions about the Muslim Brotherhood. The letters, signed by four other Congressmen, accused Abedin's deceased father and brother of being part of the Muslim Brotherhood, and her mother part of the Muslim Sisterhood. The Abedin family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood have been reported in both Arab and Western media. Bachmann was doing her job raising a concern for America's national security. Many of the most conservative members of her party condemned her for it.

As Christians, we know that politics, politicians, and political parties are corrupt. Most Christians also have essentially sat on the sidelines doing nothing about it. Most have opted to pray, but count prayer as the only needed action. Hence, when someone stands for the truth, condemnation follows. As Yeshua said in Matthew 5:13, "Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men." This nation and its people are headed down a similar path of ancient Israel. Whether by YHVH's hand or by our own, if we do not turn from our current condition, there is great mourning on the horizon.

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day! 

Bill Wilson