K.S. Rajan (20 July 2012)

     Isaiah 17:1 
The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.


Bashar Assad, the man who wanted to destroy Israel and take the land!
So many critical events are happening so fast, I literally cannot keep up with it now!
The God of Israel is applying Obadiah 1:15 to Assad of Syria!
Obadiah 1:15 For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done (to Israel), it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head.
It appears that Syrian government is not going to last through the weekend. The rebels are within Damascus and Assad cannot stop them. Some of Assad’s top generals and diplomats have defected.
There are vast amounts of chemical and biological weapons along with missiles at stake. Israel cannot let them fall into the hands of Hezbollah or the Muslim Brotherhood. Assad is losing grip and has but days to decide whether to attack Israel.
Israel may attack the weapons of mass destruction locations to destroy them.
Iran and Russia might intervene in an attempt to save Assad.
Anything at all could trigger this coming all-out war.
The bottom line to all this is that Damascus and Syria do not have long to live. The Prophet Isaiah is clear that, prior to the Day of the Lord, Damascus will be obliterated along with Syria. They will become part of greater Israel.
The Moment of Truth is Approaching in Damascus 07/17/12 This is a great article to understand what is happening in Syria.
“Asaad’s statements reflect growing confidence among the rebels, who have destroyed a large number of armored vehicles and helicopters, killed thousands of soldiers while taking many others prisoner, striking a lethal blow to the Syrian army’s morale.
Many Syrian army troops now appear to be exhausted, lacking resolve or belief in the justice of their cause. Desertions keep mounting and now include senior officers and circles close to the regime.”
Top Syrian officials killed in blast 07/18/12 This took place inside of Damascus! The end is very near.
US policymakers brace for potential ‘collapse’ in Syria 07/18/12 It looks like the collapse is very soon.
Jordan king warns Syria on the brink of civil war 07/18/12 When Syria falls to the Muslim Brotherhood, Jordan will be next. With Syria and Egypt under the Brotherhood’s control, I believe that Jordan will fall quickly and without any bloodshed. The caliphate will then have surrounded Israel and the time for the all-out war will be at hand.
“The king of Jordan warned Wednesday that his northern neighbor Syria was on the brink of all-out civil war and that in a worst-case scenario, chemical weapons could fall into the hands of Al-Qaeda. King Abdullah II told CNN a bomb attack that killed core members of the Syrian regime was a “tremendous blow” to President Bashar al-Assad but not yet the death knell for a regime that remains determined to cling to power. “In other words, it’s getting very, very messy to a point where I think the worst-case scenario for all of us in the region is when you get full-out civil war. There is no coming back from the abyss,” he said.”
525 Syrians, including general, military officers, flee to Turkey 07/16/12 The cohesion of the Syrian army is coming apart.
Assad lived to destroy Israel and now look what has happened to him. This is what is going to happen to all the nations that try and destroy Israel or try to divide the land.
The Islamic caliphate will be next on-line to be destroyed. The day is now fast approaching.