Greg (28 July 2012)

Hi Corolla,
I was in process of responding to Marliyn Agee concerning hell being the Lake of Fire, and your question is the answer. I believe the demons, fallen angels, etc., were re-assigned a place to be kept (hell), but because of mankind allowing sin to enter in, this gave the demons the right to not be punished in the same way as mankind for disobeying the truth, rather these demons to be tormenting spirits, with the fallen angels kept in chains in another place (Tartaros; the lowest part of hell).  I believe the Lake of Fire will be a place where all evil spirits, demons, fallen angels, Satan, Antichrist, the false prophet, the Nephilim (each individual spirit that inhabited the Nephilim, God having put them in death), and all mankind who received not the truth to do it, will spend their eternity. Hell is that place for now, but later, death and hell will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.
Obviously there is much more to this topic where we could go into a much deeper exegisis. 
In Christ,