Gerlinda (31 July 2012)
"Rowina, I meant to write"

Ah Rowina, I meant to write to you long ago to tell you how much I enjoyed your testimony of all that you have gone through there in the New Mexico area.  Not just once did you go through a fire but twice.  There was something different about that second fire, wasn't there that showed an intense heat able to destroy brick chimneys so completely whereas in the past, those usually stood.  The fires, in that respect of driving, demonic force, must have been much more horrible to watch it's converging upon your community.  You've suffered much more, the loss of husband, failing health and the fight to get through another day.  I recall your having to travel up to Mayo and prayed for your safety during that time.  True compassion only comes from having had to go through more than normal things in one life-time, which you have done. 
So many of the Lord's people are suffering badly.  It seems like others in the world that have no clue of what is going on manage to get through this life quite easily. They even tell you they care and will pray but you know, it is just words...mere words.  I think this extra suffering and trying to get through another day makes us able to really appreciate that Blessed Hope that is right on the horizon. I often think of that song, "We'll understand it, all, by and by."
I thank you, Susan B and Edwina and others who offered up prayers for me.
Sincerely, YsiC, Gerlinda
Do you prefer Rowina or Mariel?