Frank R Molver (28 July 2012)
"Re Lincoln memorial Image, Obama, vicious dogs. visions"

These are very interesting
The one of Lincoln is very curious, Obama claims to identify with Lincoln the most
The next is that of vicious dogs, antichrist spirit attacking Christians before rapture
Then next one reveals them as antichrist police trying to shut the mouths of the Christians.
We are real close.
Dream of Lincoln Memorial used for image of the Beast"
I had a desk last night that is the first I think might possibly be prophetic, but I'm not certain of that. I was at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, and aware that they were repurposing it by exchanging the statue of Abraham Lincoln for a living statue of the antichrist. I was also aware that it was expected that visitors should bow down and worship the image, and if they didn't they were taken away.

I could not tell who the image looked like, I'm not sure it was even in place yet.
I dreamed I was at a house in a residential neighborhood and one of my dogs (my 15 year old shihtzu) was in the back yard, which had a chain-link fence around it. I stepped outside to call her and she came and looked up at me. One side of her lower jaw was broken in half and hanging down, but she wasn't bleeding. I couldn't figure out what had happened to her, but I picked her up and quickly brought her inside.

Then I stepped just outside the door to see if I could find anything to explain the injury. It was getting close to dark and I started to get this very strong feeling that something was coming. As I waited, I began to see wolves coming down the street. There were regular size wolves and extremely large wolves, like the ones in the twilight movie, but these didn't look like those computer generated wolves in the movie. They were all real wolves, not werewolves. They literally marched down the street, eyes straight ahead, in formation like an army. Then I woke up.
Guys, I had this dream July 23, 2012.
I have had many dreams of vicious dogs lately that the Holy Spirit has revealed to me are the antichrist police. They are bent on getting all information on Christians as they can. They have no desire to hunt and find anything on Obama and his past because they are hypnotized. They want Christians to stop saying to repent, that homosexuality is a sin, that we need the 10 commandments, that we should have individual freedom and privacy, etc.

So my dream was that prior to the rapture, that these vicious dogs were sniffing around the saints to intimidate them to be quiet. But because the Lord was with the Bride, I never saw the teeth of these vicious dogs, just their presence.