Frank R Molver (21 July 2012)
"Imagine Abraham, the father of faith, not obeying God."

For those who struggle with the faith, grace and works issue.
Imagine Abraham, whom God called faithfull because he believed God.
How did he prove that he believed God?
Abraham did what God told him to do.
Now if Abraham decided not to do what God asked him, he would not be the father of faith.
So does God tell us what to do?
Of course he does.
How about this?
Abstain from sin.
That is a commandment, not a suggestion.
So if your a careless person you might think that is a bendable rule.
So here you have the dividing point of the rapture.
Those who literaly believe God's words, and those who figuritivly believe them.
You need oil
You get that by agreeing to yield to God.
So what does this mean?
Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
I thnk it means to take seriously your calling.
We are running out of time.
18 July 2012/
I asked God for leading and His soon coming,as He have revealed many rapture messages to many,now we are eager to go awfully.God showed a narrow road to heaven in front of us, a withered tree with a singing bird and a flag with red and white and blue on it.