Frank R Molver (21 July 2012)
"re ringing in bells, Olympic opening occultic celebration"
Thanks for sending in this great article Gerlinda
This guy is an excellent researcher with good spiritual sense.
Some one else wrote earlier about the song list at the Olympic openings
They were all dark songs, dealing with death and war
I found it hard to believe that they would use these songs
But, as this man explains, the Olympics is steeped in occultic tradition
Wasn't it Hitler that had the games in Germany just prior to WWII?
Imagine, history repeating itself with another Hitler coming in the middle of the Olympics.
Right in the middle.
I wonder what will happen?
Perhaps it will involve the Shard below.
9 July 2012/
Inside a stadium,a celebration was held, suddenly the logo of Olympics,a Bible with two stalks of wheat,a scroll with ribbon were sweeping across from right to left.
July 2012/
The latest building in London, Shard. This is the one at the end-time watch God showed in previous vision.
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