Edwina (31 July 2012)
"Cathy D - counterfeit Rapture...Tribulation-now.org etc..."

Dear Cathy D,
Hi there, wow what a time i have had since you posted this John Baptist - Praise God!! Indeed!!
Something wonderful has happened! i have listened to John Baptist before and read lots of the Links he has on his site, at the top and for some reason my eyes have been "opened" today! and when in my heart i have been desperately trying and wanting to tell everyone i meet, to get ready Jesus is coming soon, and getting all the scoffing stuff back, which as i'm sure you've experienced is really painful and trying. However! in my heart i yearn for more ways to try and reach out.
(my health is useless, i suffer with chronic fatigue syndrome? my immune system is shot to bits....and after Radio Therapy for a c-ncer a few years ago i now have severe arthrius and stuff that gives my scoliosis more jip! And, so, i am very limited in what i can do..) But... just a few hours ago i saw the Posters on the Tribulation-now site and my printer is red hot with hard work!!
i have folded the shorter message THE RAPTURE IS IMMINENT  and will print the other longer one about planet X and the saving grace need by Yeshua, our Dear Lord and Saviour. So, i am doing what i have longed to do, reaching out and the Lord will send people to take all my folded flyers ready to go through people's door or car windscreens etc. Thankyou, for your faith in posting and now all this good has come of it...i he now done 300 and there is more, much more to print!!
Please do pray for me in this venture, and to press people's hearts into helping to get the flyers into the right hands!
God Bless, Marantha! love edwina.
p.s i'll keep you posted!