DP (21 July 2012)

'' And at midnight a cry went out.........''
One authority investigating the Colorado movie massacre said this:
“I personally have never seen anything like what the pictures show us is in there...........'' referring to the massacre scene.
Others have called the murderous act ''violent, hard-to-understand what kind of evil person would do this''..................
BUT, the ''authorities'' miss the Moral Dis-connect!
It is because of such movies as this, ''The Dark Knight (night!) Arises'' that are the direct Cause of the EVIL. These evil movies project evil 'imaginations' into the minds of the viewers.
It was the movie itself of which should have been said :
“I personally have never seen anything like what this evil picture show tells us'' !!!
Folks cannot see the fact that, just as in the Days of Noah, the imagination of mankind is set on evil continually. Like drug addiction, it takes ''more and more'' to ''get a fix''...........more dramatic evil.
And the ''authorities'' brag about the ''cooperation'' of all the law enforcement agencies. They are blinded. Not one news commentator or ''authority'' has brought up the evil of the movie itself...........and the corruption of society.
This movie is of course Demonic and attracts demonic actions to it.
The ''real joker'' is satan himself, standing back and laughing at all the mayhem and bending over laughing that the ''authorities'' cannot explain the evil. This shows how far morals have been lowered in this society as it races toward more of the same, but on a larger scale.
The 'handwriting' is on the wall.........or should I say ''on the screen''.
There are calls for ''gun control'' but no calls for moral decency in the movies, no calls for evil to not be shown to 6 year old children even if ''accompanied'' by their parents.
Regarding this type of movie, I would not even park my car across the street from the showing.
The ''alleged'' perpetrator when arrested, and asked 'who are you' responded, ''I am the Joker''. Duh?
The prophetic significance of this is astounding. Just as in the Days of Noah, moral and evil filth is devoured by society and then these same consumers say ''how could this evil happen''? Duh?
This happened at ''midnight''. The call for the Bride will come at ''midnight'', and I believe that is also when the full evil of the tribulation will start.
Paul and Silas were Delivered ''at midnight''.
The call for the Bridegroom was ''at midnight''.
The slaying of the firstborn of Egypt and the Deliverance of Israel was ''at midnight''.
Surely we are almost at the Actual Midnight Hour when the Cry will go out for those who ''sigh and cry'' for the abominations that are done in society, including those abominations on the movie screens.
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind............a mind devoid of God and His way of life.
Kick God out of the schools, approve homosexuality, glamorize evil and then ask ''why did this happen''........this is a question a reprobate mind comes up with!