Donna Danna (31 July 2012)
"TO:  RANDY -- Why am I watching for the Rapture and the Return of Jesus Christ?"

To answer your question why am I watching for the Rapture & the return of Jesus Christ?  I look forward to the day that I can thank our Lord Jesus Christ face to face for dying on the cross for my sins so that I might have eternal life and not have to spend any time in hell nor eternity in the lake of fire.  I am also looking forward to having an immortal, incorruptible and pain free and disease free body that never dies.  I look forward to crying no more tears, never being depressed, lonely, and feeling unloved at times, or feeling rejected by others and not having to deal with life's daily struggles and problems on Earth.  I greatly look forward to living in an atmosphere of love, peace and harmony, and with like minded Christians who love and care about each other.