Clay Cantrell (21 July 2012)
"Re-post: Dream of the white Room, extra details"

Readers -

You must read my re-post of my dream of the White Room(s) first to understand this.

Here are two, from my viewpoint, important details that were not addressed beforehand.

1) The viewing machine that I saw the two armed Russians talking in was behind a barrier. It was like a column in the middle of the room, but it was oddly shaped in that when you went around to the back side of it, the viewing machine was tucked inside of it. You couldn't see it from the main entrance to the museum. The column (?) or barrier (?) was not unlike the Russian Soldiers themselves, who were hiding behind a bunker of snow.

It's possible also that the column represents a political "front" that Russia hides behind, hiding it's military objectives. In the dream, the Russian soldiers believed that the USA was too afraid to act, even though they saw Russia's intentions, - which Israel did not see, for some reason. Perhaps it is because the AC has beguiled Israel at that point.

2) The whole dream was white. All interior spaces were white, except for one area - the main museum area. It had a conspicuous hard wood floor. It was the largest room, thus it had the largest floor, and I specifically made note of it in the dream. My take on it is this:

There is a well known Bible country associated with wood and that is LEBANON. The Cedars of Lebanon are about as famous as it gets.

....has some interesting info on Lebanon and the trees.

It's possible this part of the dream, if valid, is pointing to a relationship between Russian and Lebanon, perhaps even indicating that Russia will land in Lebanon and use it as a base (floor) when attacking Israel, if in fact it does attack Israel as in Ezekiel 38-39.

Another postulation is that since, imho, my floating to heaven through Heaven was the "Catching Away", this Russian attack on Israel, using Lebanon as a base, happens after the Rapture.

These are my theoretical opinions only.

Jesus is Lord.