Charles (20 July 2012)
"Rapture imagery in Madagascar movie! The fireworks and Olympics"

Really I found this video on YouTube! The song firework by Katie perry my sons vision and seeing the sign today saying fireworks! What's going down in the ME! The fact that the month of AV started today I think we got our seven day warning! Nothing will be the same it's all over except the fireworks! The matter of fact way it was said to me it's all over except the fireworks! As others have seen in dreams and visions I believe we praying we are found watching and worthy to fly when the fireworks are over! It's right here they are showing it in this video! They are waiting for the bride to go to send her off with fireworks! How can I chirp any more it's all right in front of our faces for those that have eyes to see and ears to here! Went to Walmart tonight felt like the twilight zone! The new Walmart symbol six lines converging to a central point the members mark brand the 50 year jubilee signs Jesus please let your doves fly away with you we are watching waiting and want to go home! Iis like my body is here stuck in the world doing what I have to do while my mind heart and spirit are always yearning to be plucked out of the net! My son saw this movie no wonder he's seeing what I am it was all laid out for him and being a child he's still closer to God in perception that's learned out of most adults! Guys we could see psalms 83 the rapture in one week! I don't think we have a month! I saw a great quote on rapture ready! A guy said it does no good posting bible verses on Facebook everyone's talking about beaches and puppies and I am watching Isaiah 17 about to be fulfilled and I feel like I am in the twilight zone! Oh my we are in it that spiral they showed at the beginning! What everyone thinks is reality is a really bad sci fi episode and we are stuck in it unless Jesus saves us! That's why we are to be watching and waiting so we are aware of just how much we need a savior while those not awake but sleep walking in the twilight zone see nothing amiss at all!