Bruce Baber (20 July 2012)
"Changes to the genetic code... that God has approved!"


From time to time one reads about genetic experimentation on human subjects.  God wouldn’t be pleased if there is any truth to such stories.  The last time the human race was genetically contaminated, God caused the great flood.


Man seems keenly interested in genetic manipulation of plants and animals, perhaps even in the human race.  That also seems to be Satan’s goal.  However none of these efforts are sanctioned by our Creator.


But, did you ever stop to think that God Himself is planning to change the genetic code of plants, animals and human beings?  God is planning to change all of the animal predators into creatures that are designed to eat grass and straw.  Lions will eat straw.  Wolves will browse on grass.  Snakes will eat dirt.  There will be at least one tree that will have special healing properties and I suppose that the genetic code of many other plants will be modified so that the new range of animal species can thrive on them.  Most importantly our own composition will change.


We will be new creatures not just metaphorically or spiritually speaking, but in every sense of the word!



Bruce Baber