Will Schumacher (28 July 2011)
"an example of the incredible interweaving of Gods rapture destruction numbers"

This is a great example of how God has weaved together all His rapture destruction numbers.
911 had a tremendous amount of rapture/destruction numbers in it
343-the number of firefighters killed was a big one
343 is also the gematria of Rebekah-the bride of Isaac-a type of Christ
God puts rapture destruction numbers in events and that event is either tied by rapture destruction numbers to the next similar event or to the rapture itself
Enoch was born after 622 years
6-22=622 just as 9-11=911
6-22-2000 flight 343 crashed killing 51
this was 447 days inclusive to 911
447=3 x 149
911=149 + 3 x 254 (9-11 was day 254)
622=2 x 149 + 2 x 162 the age of Jared when Enoch born
6-22-00 is 6 x 726 days to 5-26-12 pentecost -1335 days of Dan 12:12
726=65 + 4x149 + 65
65 th prime is 311    311 x 2=622
enoch became father at age 65
pentecost 65th day of jewish calendar
526=149 + 228 + 149
228=bikkuwr=pentecost frst fruits
further on 9-11
911 is 157th prime
411 total emergency workers killed in 911
157 + 254=411
1979=726 + 527 +726
1979 years will be the age of the church on pentecost 2012
265 total people died in 9-11 flights
265 dec =411 oct =109 hxd
265 + 411 +109=157 x 5
this is probobly just the tip of the iceberg.  it blows my mind away how God has everything just perfectly aligned together
Clay Cantrell also laways posts this
254 c =527 k
343 dec =527 oct=157 hxd
I also want to make clear that although I believe God has clearly shown us pentecost 2012 is the rapture and I post things that Clay writes in my posts-Clay does not believe what  I do.  So I don't want to make him guilty by association
will schumacher