Susan B (28 July 2011)
"Thank you"

To those who responded (and those who didn't but prayed anyway) I would like to say thank you.  I am seeing my GP Friday and will ask him about sensitivity to gluten (I also drink a LOT of milk so will also ask about lactose sensitivity).
It has also been comforting, although I would not wish them on anybody, to know that others have experienced these panic attacks which defy description!
Lastly - I would like to say that although my circumstances are dire the Lord has shown me something over the last week.  That is His great love.  I have had a full measure of an outpouring of His love and grace - shown to me in big ways and small ways.  He is always there.
Truly - all things do work together for those who love the Lord.  I would not exchange this experience because it has brought me to love God more and more with each passing day and taught me to lean on Him for all things.
Thank you dear doves.
Lovingly, ysiC, Susan in Aussie Land.