Paul N. F. (29 July 2011)


By A. W. Tozer

Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour
put away from you.                              -  -  Ephesians 4:31

        As Christian believers, we must stand together
against some things. So, if you hear anyone saying that
A. W. Tozer preaches a good deal that is negative, just
smile and agree: "That is because I preach the Bible!"

        Here are some of the things we oppose: we are
against the many modern idols that have been allowed
to creep into the churches; we are against the
"unauthorized fire” that is being offered on the altars
of the Lord; we are against the modern gods that are
being adopted in our sanctuaries.

        We are against the world's ways and its false values.
We are against the world's follies and its vain pleasures.
We are against this world's greed and sinful ambitions.
We are against this world's vices and its carnal habits.

        We believe this spells out clearly the Bible truth of
separation. God asks us to stand boldly against anything
or anyone who hurts or hinders this New Testament body
of Christians. Where the church is not healed ­ it will
wither. The Word of God is the antibiotic that alone can
destroy the virus that would plague the life of the church!

Yours in Christ,
Paul N. F.