Ola Ilori (25 July 2011)

Hi Gerry,
Maybe the young girl saw events happening simultaneously, when in reality they are to occur in July 2011, over a number of days!
She simply described events as they appeared to her!
I know it's  a bit of a stretch, however it's still a possibility.
The 31st of July 2011 [29th of Tammuz] would be the Day of Pentecost, If the Jewish Calendar is a Month out.
This would be the Day of the Rapture.
It just so happens that Dr. Owuor will be hosting an Oslo Conference in Norway [July 29-31], were 91 people have died in a twin terror attack!
The young girl saw the Atlantis Space Shuttle Mission in her dream.
This part of her dream has come to pass, not in the way she said because how she interpreted it was wrong.
In a nutshell, the following is how I would interpret what she was told by the Lord.
"In the Month of July 2011, I will return for my people, on the Day of Pentecost.
This is the Month in which a planet will strike the Moon, hurtling rocks towards cities all over the World.
This will happen in the Month of July - the same Month of the Atlantis Space Shuttle Mission.
Before the earth is hit I will save all those who love Me."
There is also another possibility regarding the Atlantis Space Shuttle Mission.
The shuttle being "forced" to land on 21st of July 2011 could mean the 13-Day-Mission had to launch, at all cost on the 8th of July 2011, because the powers that be know that the moon will be hit within the last week of July 2011!