Joe M (28 July 2011)
"The Lord gave my wife a word"

"I am beckoning you my children to all come to the altar in repentance, to cry out aloud before me for this people and this generation who have forsaken me.  Why is there a lack of sincere repentance?  Why are their hearts hardened against me, my people?  Who is crying out for the sins of these people?  Truly their sins are many.  My heart grieves for this generation.  If my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sins and I will heal their land.  Pray my people!  Pray!  Pray!  Repent of your sins.  There is a lack of prayerfulness.  My prophets of old prayed and things happened.  Pray my children.  The hour is upon you.  Truly I am coming soon!