JMS (29 July 2011)
"The last dream about Jesus, as the Lion of Judah !"

The evil attack in Norway few days ago, was a great shock for me as for other scandinavians. Because of, It reminded me about what the Lord He told/showed me 30 years back, would happen as a very direct, but short last warning and revival-call before the endtime scenario will take place.

I saw great bonfire all over my country and in scandinavia to, running through Europe, to the MidleEast and all over the World. I was told it was a great, 'but very short (in time)'  last endtime revival-call.

I was also told: if you knew how it will happen ?  you would be taken by horror: so stay in me Jesus Christ, and I will stay in you, and protect you and your loved ones !

I have been as 'frozen inside' the last days after the evil massacre in Oslo, so yesterday I asked Jesus for help and what to do, and this night He gave me a dream who gave me peace again, even I of course still feel sorrow and shock.

' I dreamed I was in  deep and peacefull sleep in a big house. It was dark outside, but the door to the terrace  was half open out to the garden. Then I saw a beautiful great  lion comming through the door, and going to the place where I sleeped. The Lion only took a look at me, and then he laid down close to me who still was asleep - I was protected '

When I later waked up, I remembered it all, and I understood it was the Lords answer to my pray.

the Lion was Jesus Christ, the Lion of Judah... Im totaly sure... I have meet that powerful Great Lion ones before, when I cried out to Jesus for help.

All praise and Glory to our wonderful Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, - it's understandable why our Great Almighty God He say: Jesus is My beloved Son listen to and follow Him.

to believe in, understand that, and to do that, - it is to do the will of God !

may our Great Almighty God clean and protect us all, in the blood of God's choosen Lamb - Jesus Christ.  - Amen, - JMS.