Don Best (6 July 2011)
"To: Amanda  re:"smell experience""

I've been reading the posts on "Smelling" and I love all the testimonies  .....  and I have a testimony also....

While worshiping in church one Sunday, I kept smelling the slightest trace of incense so I would stop worshipping to take another small whiff to
catch that fragrance again.... it wasn't there... so I started to worship again.... and again the slightest trace of incense and again I breathed in
very slightly and the fragrance was gone.... I must have done this 6-8 times..... I tried "smelling" in different directions, hoping to pick up that
fragrance again..... it was definitely an incense smell just barely detectable....

Then I realized something.... it was only while I was worshipping.....  so I tried to keep worshipping and sense the smell at the same time...
and there it was..... it was the smell of my worship coming out of my own mouth.  When I tried to blow into my hand to smell my breath
it just smelled normal but when I was worshipping I could detect this trace of incense....

Then I was reminded that our Worship is a sweet smelling savior to the Lord our God.

Wow ! ! !  I was amazed that my worship was just that, just for Him.

I thank My Lord and the Holy Spirit to reveal this about our worship of Him.
